We recognise the commitment and sacrifice made by parents in choosing to send their children to Billanook College.

Our simple fee model is designed to afford fee certainty and to assist families to plan for, and manage school fees.

2024 Annual Fees

Year LevelTuition FeeComposite FeeTOTAL FEESPREPAID FEES
Prep to Year 4$7,825$2,470$10,295$9,904
Years 5 and 6$10,950$3,460$14,410$13,863
Year 7 and 9$15,650$4,940$20,590$19,808
Years 10 to 12$20,110$6,350$26,460$25,455

Sibling DiscountPast Student Discount*#Prepaid Fee Discount#
2nd Child: 2.5%1st Child only 5%Tuition only 5%
3rd Child: 10%
4th Child: 50%


Year LevelMonthly Instalment
Prep to Year 4$1,030
Years 5 and 6$1,441
Year 7 and 9$2,059
Years 10 to 12$2,646

Installments Payable
10 Monthly Instalments
26 November 2023 through to 26 August 2024

*Further conditions apply (refer to Terms & Conditions)
#Discount not applicable for the Early Learning Program

Early Learning Program – Please note, it is a condition of enrolment that families agree to nominate Billanook College as the service provider for the funded kindergarten program for each ELP student each year.

Further Information

The complete fee, or the total fee, is comprised of a Tuition and Composite fee, and is billed in advance in October each year.

The majority of co-curricular activities that Billanook students take part in are covered by their school fees. Optional user pays student activities and services are billed separately in addition to Tuition and Composite fees. Please refer to the ‘Other fees and charges’ within the College’s Term and Conditions for a more comprehensive list of these types of fees.

The College currently offers families two payment methods for annual Tuition and Composite fees. Prepayment of Tuition and Composite fees in advance or, ten equal monthly instalments commencing annually in November.

If you have any questions about the Fee Structure, please contact our Registrar by phone (03) 9724 1179 or email at registrar@billanook.vic.edu.au.

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Experience for yourself what a Billanook education can offer your family